Her findes nyhedsbreve fra skoleåret 2020-2021 Dokumenter NyhedsbrevAugust.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. NyhedsbrevSeptember.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. NyhedsbrevNovember.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Informationsbrev d. 10. december 2020 om Coronahåndtering på Kildeskolen.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Nyhedsbrev December_0.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Nyhedsbrev Januar Uge 1 og Uge 2 _0.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Nyhedsbrev Januar 8. januar 2021.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Nyhedsbrev Januar 15. januar 2021.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Nyhedsbrev Januar 22. januar 2021-1_0.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Nyhedsbrev 05. Februar 2021.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Nyhedsbrev 25 marts 2021.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. NyhedsbrevMaj.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. NyhedsbrevJuni_0.pdf Shape Created with Sketch.