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Referater 2020-2021

Referater fra skolebestyrelsen skoleåret 2020-2021


2020.08.10 referat fra SB møde1_0.pdf

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14.09.2020 Referat fra SB møde.pdf

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Referat 09.11.2020.pdf

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referat 18.01.2021.pdf

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Brobygningsmøde referat 030221.pdf

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Dagsorden 04.03.2021.pdf

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Referat 04.03.2021.pdf

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Dagsorden 19.04.2021.pdf

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Referat 19.04.2021.pdf

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Dagsorden 26.05.2021.pdf

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Dagsorden 17.06.2021.pdf

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Bilag 2Personalehåndbog.pdf

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Referat 17.06.2021.pdf

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211118 referat.pdf

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